
Pharmacy, Ltd. Ltd
Oravská 2, 080 01 Prešov

Amuletum Pharmacy
Sabinovská 15, 080 01 Prešov

ID: 31710018
VAT No .: 2020547100, VAT No .: SK2020547100
Account number: SK28 0200 0000 0000 6720 6572
Phone: 0948 088 956, E - mail: [email protected]

Healthcare provider code: N57298160301
Authorization number for the provision of pharmaceutical care: 3689/2015 / OZ-HAR Prešov dated 16.6.2015

Supervisory authority and supervision:

Slovak Trade Inspection
Defenders of Peace 6
080 01 Presov 1

Department of Technical Product Inspection and Consumer Protection

tel. no .: 051/7721 597 (Slovak Trade Inspection)
fax no .: 051/7721 596 (Slovak Trade Inspection)
E-MAIL: [email protected]


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