How to get rid of rhinitis

How to get rid of rhinitis

Rhinitis is one of the most common colds, so it's good to know how to treat it effectively. The first symptoms of rhinitis include itchy nose, fever and headache. Gradually, a thin discharge from the nose is started, which gradually thickens. Recently, natural solutions that do not irritate and dry out are increasingly preferred and can be used for a long time without the risk of addiction.

In addition, nasal sprays made up of 100% seawater are enriched with minerals and trace elements that regenerate and soothe irritated nasal mucosa. According to the salt concentration, the solutions are divided into isotonic and hypertonic. Isotonic sprays are suitable for prevention, in case of acute rhinitis they help to relieve symptoms more quickly, in case of runny nose, to remove mucus and to soothe irritated nasal mucosa. Hypertonic sprays of incarceral origin and chronic rhinitis.

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