Exercises to relax the joints

Exercises to relax the joints

Joint pain has plagued many people since the age of fifty. Statistics say up to ...

Joint pain has plagued many people since the age of fifty. Statistics show up to 80% of the population and the number increases with age. The pain manifests itself e.g. When walking up and down the stairs, when getting up, one has a hard time squatting and jumping off is a big problem. Typically, several joints are affected at once. The most common causes of joint pain include: osteoarthritis, poor posture, overweight, obesity, lack of calcium and vitamin C. Sports, when done at the top, can also have adverse effects on the joints. See the following table:

Difficulty of selected indoor sports for joints

Kind of sport 

  • Ice Hockey 3
  • Badminton 4
  • Squash 5
  • Tennis 4
  • Floorball 2
  • Table tennis 2


Therefore, we have to take care of our joints so that we can enjoy movement even in old age, so that we are not limited by unpleasant pain and, for example, that we can go up the stairs without any problems. There are nutritional supplements that strengthen articular cartilage.

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