Stress, nervousness, anxiety

Stress, nervousness, anxiety

We have long known that stress plays a decisive role in typical "civilization" diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or disorders…

We have long known that stress plays a decisive role in typical "civilization" diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or indigestion. Stress is simply an individual response to excessive mental or physical stress. Of the physical problems, stress is often the result of cardiovascular problems - high blood pressure, prickling in the heart. Mental symptoms include nervousness, irritability, fatigue, sleep disorders and depression.

We have the main share in managing stress, especially ourselves. It would be ideal to organize a better job, solve partner problems, relax. Stressors often create a vicious circle that is difficult to break - you need to solve a problem, so you sleep poorly, you are tired and sleepy in the morning, you do not do well at work, you drink a lot of coffee, you smoke, you stay at work for a long time, you do not have time for family and accumulate you have partner problems, you are nervous, you can not sleep in the evening .... In addition to organizational measures and mental exercises, it is possible to try to break this vicious circle just 
for psychological symptoms of stress. Several plant substances help here, which can alleviate these symptoms and thus improve other links in the stress chain.

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