Digestion-free digestion

Digestion-free digestion

Do you know that several tens of tons of food pass through the intestines during their lifetime? Unfortunately, a large percentage of them are "difficult" to digest "thanks" to traditional Slovak cuisine.

Do you know that several tens of tons of food pass through the intestines during their lifetime? Unfortunately, a large percentage of them are "thanks" to traditional Slovak cuisine and difficult to digest. So good bowel condition is not a matter of course at all and it pays off
Take regular care - you will avoid various inconveniences such as diarrhea and bloating. One of the important
Factors of good bowel condition are the presence of probiotic bacteria. These bacteria have an important function in the intestines - they protect the intestinal wall from harmful digestive products and also contribute to the fact that only the right substances are absorbed into the body through the intestinal wall and not the harmful ones. Intestinal bacteria are fragile creatures and are easily damaged. Reliable killers are antibiotics, which together with harmful bacteria in the body kill even the beneficial ones. It is therefore important to supplement probiotics with a dietary supplement after a dose of antibiotics.

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